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Maths statistic survey project

As shown as the topic, the assignment is all about statistic survey. We are required to form a group of 4-5 members. Then, we have to select a chronic disease which popular in Malaysia and study about that. The theme of the assignment is about awareness of certain diseases. Our group member includes Albert, Sung Jie, Kay, Liming and me. Our topic to discuss is Lung cancer. We have to research on the disease first then we can only select the questions to ask in the survey form. After that, we have to print out the survey form ( 50 forms per group member) then give it out and lastly calculate the data as well as make a infographic A2 presentation board. A detail report is required as well.

This is our board

This is our report

This is our team.
self discipline knowledge
communication skill
lifelong learning

To be honest, I was quite shocked when I get the project brief because I don't understand the relationship of disease and mathematics. However, I finally realized the learning outcome until we were doing the statistic part. Besides, I also have gained much knowledge about lung cancer awareness during this assignment. Everything that I have learned from this subject is very different with other mathematics classes. Furthermore, I have improved my communication skills because we all have to communicate well with group members so that we can proceed our work smoothly without arguments. Then, I have improved my self discipline knowledge because I have to manage my time to complete my task in the group which arranged by group leader. I really appreciate this assignment as this is a very good experience for me to learn things with different ways.

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