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Basic accounting - Reflection essay

'Basic Accounting' this subject was sounded so far and strange for me as I was a pure science student at high school and I have zero knowledge about accounting ,to be honest. I have never thought of taking accounting in my life until I had decided to continue my studies in FNBE. Basically, this subject has taught me a lot of things that I have never known which include the concept of accounting, both theory and practical exercises. From these exercises, I learnt to interpret and analyse financial statement, read a business annual report, understand the importance of accounting report, logical thinking and etc. Furthermore, it makes people to learn to make decision on investing a business by reading report. In this module, I made my very first step on business subject in my life. In fact, these all make me as a newbie to get a very great experience in discovering fun in accounting.

The favourite topic of mine is Balance sheet because it is simple and easy to understand for me. I just have to differenciate and arrange the assets, liabilites and owner equity carefully in their right position then I will get the correct answer. Moreover, the least favourite topic is the Break even Analysis because it is too complicated for me. Some questions need me to think very deeply to get the right answers. I would like to do more exercises with just figures. 

For my conclusion, I like the subject so much. Lecturer teaches us in a simple and straight forward way which I appreciate a lot. The class is interesting and I really had fun in every accounting class ! This has proven that learning isn't about boring textbook, assignments as well as lectures. Besides, exercises are very helpful and useful for me to develop further understanding in each topic. I do hope I will have more classes like this in my future study life so that I can really learn more things.

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