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S.Psy - Journal 1

Basically this is the first assignment that I had in Social Psychology this subject. Firstly, this task need us complete individually. We are required to Observe and capture visible social behavior displayed in various social settings – either through drawing or photograph. Of course I have chosen photography as photography is easier.  Then, paste our picture on an A4 paper write a report which is related to the psychology concept that had applied in the photo.

This is the photo snapped by me when I was shopping with my family.

The following is my write-up for this assignment.

self discipline knowledge


lifelong learning
thinking and problem solving skills

From this assignment, I have learnt to observe my surrounding and learn from everything no matter is living things or non living things. I tried to apply social psychology concept into my surroundings and I found those concepts is very useful and interesting. I also improved my self discipline knowledge so that I can submit my work in time. I also improved my problem solving skills as I tried to think more about my surroundings.

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