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ICI project 2 - The building team

ici 2

This is the second assignment of this subject. The objective of this project is to enable students to develop an understanding of building team and their roles and etc. There are two different tasks of this project and there are group task and also individual task. In group task, we need to choose one of the key people who involved in construction and then make an appointment to interview them. We need to make a video about what had we understood on our topic. My dear group had chosen Architect. Therefore, we need to find an architect and then interview he or she about some information related to construction and architect's role. We decided to interview Ar.  Muhammad Amirullah bin Musa from A&A Architect Sdn Bhd. 

This is the architect that we had interviewed. Thanks a lot !

Ar. and us !

Group photo infront of the architect firm.

I will show our group's video below. The video is not only about the interview but also add some scene of me and group mates acting for some roles of each professions in construction. Enjoy !


Then, the next task is individual task. We are required to make a 6 pages magazine based on the interview. Everything has to be in digital form and colour printed.


Communication skills

digital literacy
lifelong learning

In the first task, we are required to form a group so that we can make a video by teamwork. As we know that teamwork required good communication. In the video, Ar told us that communication is very important in construction this is because communication is important in THE BUILDING TEAM. Team need great communications. Besides, I really learnt a lot and I feel my study life is not only just memorising text but more on practical stuffs. Then, I have improved my digital editing skills as well as I need to make my own magazine by computer and this is quite interesting and fresh to me.

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