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CL project 1 - Experiential Landscape

streetscape photo

The subject, Constructed Landscape (CL) very first assignment is Experiential Landscape. As we know from the topic of this assignment is to let us experience landscapes by doing research. There are plenty choices of landscape such as Urban Parks, Passive Landscape, Streetscapes, Plazas, Playgrounds and Waterfronts. The one I have chosen is Streetscape because I feel it is interesting enough and I am not familiar with streetscape this topic. The assignment required us to study and compare two different landscapes which is from local and also international.

Therefore, I have chosen Jonker street( Melaka ) as my local case study and Regent street ( London) as my international case study.

Regent street, London, United Kingdom.

Jonker street, Melaka, Malaysia.

In this project, I need to highlight on the typology, function and how 

people response to the space, the basic information, design intention, characteristics and management of the space. We need to make two A3 board to show our work.

I will show my two A3 boards in the following photos.

This is the local case study board.

This is the international case study board.

Besides, we have to record a short video to introduce our work and also briefly present about it as well as recording our reflections toward this assignment.We have to burn it into a CD with a hard cover. I will show my video that I have recorded. 
p/s: Don't laugh haha It was awkward enough when self recording.


This is my design of the CD cover.


Lifelong learning
self discipline knowledge
Thinking & problem solving skills

I really appreciate this assignment given by Ms.Normah and Mr.Cherng Yih because I did learned a lot from it. I have learnt to manage my self discipline as I have to manage my time to finish my task in time while I have other assignment to be done as well. This project has improved my thinking and problem solving skills as well because I have to think about the layout and how to squeeze in my results of researches into a small board. These all really benefits me much more than just reading or memorising textbooks ! 

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