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Basic Accounting - Financial Analysis Ratio

We are required to form a group of 3 (maximum) to complete the task. We have to select a big company which sells products. Then, we have to read their annual report (for last 2 years) and do some analyse if the company is worthy to invest by calculating their financial ratio and intrepretation from the report. We also have to calculate the P/E ratio.

After considerations, we had decided to select Yamaha as our choice.

The report is as shown as below.

Thinking and problem solving skills
Communication skills
Lifelong learning

 From this assignment, I have improved my thinking and problem solving skills as I tried so hard to solve the calculations. Communication with group member is necessary as well to avoid disagreements. I know more about YAMAHA this company as well. I have also learnt a lot from this assignment by reading company annual report that I have never tried before. Great experience !

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