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ENBE final project - Better livable town

This is the last and so called- final project for the ENBE subject. The main objective of this project is to show symbiotic relationship of elements between natural and built environment. In this task, we need to form a 5 people group to complete our tasks. This project is separated into individual and group work. Firstly, we need to plan a town and make a purposal individually so that everyone can make their own town. We also need to make a video to introduce our town. Our group has chosen the topic of TOWN ON AN ISLAND as our theme. Then, I have planned a town called THE CAPE.

This is report on my town which named as - The Cape

The following video is the introduction to my town.

After the video presentation, lecturers had chosen one town from every group to be the final group town. Our group's town is Lim Joe Onn's Selputaria.

In the final group work, we are required to modify the original town (if needed) and then make a model with maximum A2 size and maximum 60cm tall. Not only that, we need to make three A2 presentation boards as well for the final presentation.
Our group started the model making very early ( since Hari Raya started) and we did enjoy the process and satisfied with the outcome.

It cannot deny that making model is fun but staying over at the studio continuously for three days is really crazy. We spent much on the model materials and also spent much time on it. Efforts paid off. The special features of our town is it has a special rotating system as it really brings life easier. The green approaches are much also in this town. The town planning is well. If I can, I would live in this town, SELPUTARIA!

Here is the final outcome

The model

The presentation boards

The group photo


communication skills

lifelong learning
thinking and problem solving skills

In this project, I so glad that I have such a great team as the teamwork is really priceless. Everyone do their work efficiently instead of slacking around. Thanks to my group mates and also the leader. No matter what grade we get, I also appreciate what have I learnt for these few weeks. I learn to be think more in different angle not only thinking myself. Besides, I learnt to communicate with others so that we won't misunderstood anyone of us.I  do cherish this project and also the outcome is satisfying for me.

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