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CTS Project 1 : Musical Performance

CTS toilet roll

What can I do with toilet roll ? This question stucked in my mind for so long time... Let's see what have I done for this interesting project !

This is the first project for the subject of CTS. We need to form a 10-11 person per group to prepare this assignment. Our group named as Lettuce Go and we have 10 members in the group. There are two main tasks for this project which is group work (20%) and individual work (10%). In group work, we need to use a daily object to make a musical performance together. The daily object that we have chosen is TOILET ROLL ! The very first thing we have to do is to know more about toilet roll so we would know how to make a performance to highlight on its characteristics.

This is a mind map of our group on showing things about toilet roll. We named our dear toilet roll as Captain Roller.

Besides, we use SCAMPER method to develop the idea of performance. We can get many inspiration by using this method because we get to know more about our object and also applying our creativity on transforming toilet roll into an attracting character in our performance. The individual idea report is just my personal idea toward the performance, not the final performance.Moreover, we need to design our performance's poster as well to promote our performance.

This is my individual idea report - SCAMPER.

By using a couple weeks of time, our group has discussed many kind of performance. For example, Mummy dance, Indian dance, fashion show and etc. However, in the end we have chosen Ribbon dance as our final performance because it may be more eye-catching. Since the toilet roll is in white colour, so we may use this characteristic to make the performance becomes attractive. Therefore, we will switch off the light and use the projector's Blue screen to make the toilet roll turns blue colour and glowing in dark. We will also all in black so that audience can focus on our toilet roll but not the performers. This will attracted audience to enjoy our performance as well. After uncountable times of practices, we finally made a satisfied performance and showed to public.

This is our performance.

We are Lettuce Go! The group photo after the performance. Let's celebrate !


Communication  skills

Interpersonal skills
Lifelong learning

This project is such a priceless gift for me and also my fellow friends. This is all because I can learn a lot from this project not only limited on experience but also included the communicating skills. Communicating skills are necessary for every group when doing group work especially group performance. Fortunately, my group members are tolerant enough and willing to communicate to each others on the performance. We share our thoughts and idea together to perform the best things to public. In addition, Teamwork is still the key to success for every group work. We formed Teamwork together from zero to more and more and we are still learning to form unlimited teamwork. Every group member has their own duty in the group so everyone can work for the team. Last but not least, I appreciate everything that i have learned from this project and I would remember the lessons i have learned forever. 

Behind the scene - The toilet roll we used in rehearsal.
p/s: Don't worry.. We didn't throw away the used toilet paper into dustbin, but we keep it to reuse :)

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