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ICI project 1 - Construction industry info panel

ici 3

This is the first assignment from the subject named as Introduction to Construction Industry (ICI). As shown as above, the assignment task is to carry out an in depth study to get as much information and references about Construction Industry. Apparently, this assignment is a group work for everyone of us. We are required to make a minimum 2 maximum 3 A2 boards to show out our studies. Everything must be in hand written instead of printing. There are few options of topics for us to choose what to do such as Organization and Bodies involved in construction industry in Malaysia, Construction phases, Design team and their roles, Construction industry- history, issue & future and safety and health in construction. By the way every group can only choose one topic in particular tutor class, no overlapping. Therefore, my group has chosen the topic of CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY - HISTORY, ISSUE AND FUTURE. we had discussed to make it relate to DUBAI since Dubai has a huge change from past to now and of course we considered about their future will be amazing no doubt. Dubai would be a nice topic to be studied as it really impressed us for it's performance in construction.

 Let's see our boards of this assignment

This is the first board and it is about history of construction in Dubai.

 This is the second board and it is about the issues of construction in Dubai.

This is the last and third board and it is about the future of construction in Dubai.


Communication skills
Thinking and problem solving skills
Lifelong learning

 In this very first assignment of this subject, I did learnt a lot as I never know so much about Dubai. As we need to do a lot of research on Dubai so that I can gain much knowledge on this awesome country. Besides, I improved my communication skills as well because I have to discuss everything with my groupmates instead of doing group work just by myself. Group work need Teamwork and it is the key to success. Next, I did improved my thinking skills so that I can differentiate between right and wrong and so that I can finish this task with my group mates successfully.

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