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ICI project 3 - The project brief


This is the final project for ICI this subject. This is a group work. This assignment is to ensure student to develop a deeper understanding on the building team. We need to form a group with two person. I formed a group with Tay Jit Ying in our course. In this project, we need to find a specific land within campus area to initiate a small construction project. The land size must be within 30m x 30m. We should purpose our land in either recreational area, study enhancement area, rest area, food and beverage area or commercial area. The purpose of the land that we have chosen is FOOD AND BEVERAGE AREA and our site is the abandoned golf court in front of the futsal court. We need to make a document with minimum 20pages and must include some specific elements such as site analysis, site plan, suggestions and etc.

The following is my group's document.



Communication skills

digital literacy
lifelong learning

In this assignment, I have improved my communication skills as I need to communicate well with my group mate to prevent misunderstanding. We have to discuss a lot at site visit and observation as well as meeting due to this is a group work. Next, I have learnt much different things from different area. Then, I also need to do some digital document work. I feel my documentation skills have improved as well. 

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