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EPC first assignment - photo blog

This is the very first project of this subject. We are required to form a 5 person group to make a site visit and also create a group photo blog to note down our site visit. The site that we have chosen is Masjid Jamek, Kuala Lumpur.

This is our group blog link :

My fellow group members

Here's some of the photography of the project


interpersonal skills
self dicipline knowledge
thinking and problem solving skills

I felt very glad that I could work with these friends and went to Masjid Jamek for site visit. I learnt a lot especially on communication with group mates on the work tasks and also self dicipline on time management to manage my work to be done on time. I learnt to solve problem as well cause I have think how to take photo nicely. After this trip, I have discovered that Masjid Jamek and Jalan TAR is a beautiful place with unique architecture and life style. The streets are full of colours of ethnic and I really like it so much. I felt that Malaysia is really a beautiful country with these amazing places in an exotic city.

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