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S.Psy - Final project and group presentation

This is the last project for this subject. As shown as the post's name above, this assignment is a group work. We have to form a group of 4-5 to complete our task. We need to choose a topic of interest from ranges of social psychology discussion then create a built environment design that reflects the topic of interest. It can be in a form of space or building. The drawings must be present on a Mahjong paper and must be coloured.  A detail write up has to be done as well to show our thoughts. We also need to record a video for the mahjong paper presentation.

Our group members include Ray, Ed, Thien Hee , Joyce and me. We are going to focus on the topic of Emphatic- joy hypothesis by using The Wishing Tree as our theme for the building.

This is our final mahjong paper.

And this is our write up. 

This is our recorded presentation video.


Communication skills
Self discipline knowledge
Lifelong learning

 For this final project, I have gained so much as I learned a lot such as we have designed a space for apply a psychology concept. We design it from zero as we didn't have any idea on how to design at first. However, after a long discussion, we finally made our mind to design in such way. The design process and discussion is fun as we shared our ideas and thoughts together so that communications skills has improved. I also improved my self discipline knowledge as well because I would try my best to be punctual and also manage my time properly to complete this group task. Appreciate this assignment so much as I really learnt a lot from different ways !

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