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S. Psy - comic strip

For this assignment, we are required to form a group of 2 or individual. Then, we are going to do draw a comic strip with either colour or black and white which can explain a psychology concept on it. The drawings must be on an A3 art block. Short captions are needed to explain our drawings.

I have formed a group with Lim Pui San and we are going to apply Emphaty- joy hypothesis into our comic strips

This is our comic strip


communication skills
lifelong learning
thinking and problem solving skills

From this task, I have learnt more to improve my communication skills as I discuss properly with my group mate to achieve a same aim together. Then, I have improved my problem solving skills as my group member and me think carefully about what concept is suitable to be our theme for the comic. Besides, I really learnt a lot as I learnt to understand more about a psychology concept by drawing comics which is a fresh experience for me.

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