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S.Psy - Journal 2

This is the second journal for this subject. Again, it is an individual task. we are required to choose a printed advertisement from magazines, newspaper and related printed materials and the chosen advertisement must be pasted on an A4 size paper. Then we have to write a description of how the mechanism of persuasion or stereotype / prejudice reflected in the advertisement and it must be 300-500 words.

The objectives of the first journal are  gain an increased awareness and sharpened sensitivity to social elements such as persuasion, stereotyping and prejudice as well as able to apply related social concepts through advertisement.

This is my advertisement

This is my write up


Lifelong learning
Self discipline knowledge
Thinking and problem solving skills

This journal is similar with the previous one but this time we need to apply psychology concepts in newspaper or magazine. This is another thing that I have gained by using a way that I never tried before. I learned a lot extra knowledge from this module and I really had a great experience. I think a lot so that I can apply a correct concept in my chosen advertisement. I also manage my time properly to complete my task before deadline.

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