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ITD final project - Orthographic drawings


As shown as the post's title above, this is the final project for ITD this subject. The objectives of the project is to implement observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of
issues via visual communications effectively on site and also introduce the techniques of drawing in the built environment practice.We are required to form a group with 6 people so that we would be given a site within Taylors University
Lakeside Campus according to our tutor and our tutor is Ms. Anna. Our site is Block E level 7. We have to choose a 10m x 10m site at level 7. The site that I have chosen is E7.04.

The following photos are my site.

Inside view

Outside view

We need to observe and measure our site and draw our site in 2 A2 boards with orthographic drawings. The drawings have to include floor plan, elevations, sections and details drawing.

The following photos are my final project.

1st board

2nd board


I have spent a lot of time on this assignment. I learned to improve myself discipline to manage my time to prepare this assignment. If not prepare earlier, the work sure couldn't be completed. Besides, I also learned more extra knowledge not from textbooks like this orthographic. I believed that "Practice makes perfect" so that I think this assignment might improve our drawing skills instead of just reading books. I get extra experiences from this task as well such as measuring the site and etc.

Thinking & Problem solving skills
Lifelong learning

Self discipline knowledge

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