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ITD project 2 - Drawings (individual)

Itd 2

This is the second assignment for ITD this subject. This project is individual task. The aim of the project is to identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills as well as demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively. We are required to choose 2 item from our daily life which is not bigger than A4 and not smaller that A5. The item that I have chosen is SHAVER and CAN OPENNER. We need to draw Orthographic drawings for this assignment by drawing the objects we have chosen. Before the final submission, we have to submit our progess including the sketches and measurements.

I will show my progess of my sketches on my two items.
Created with flickr slideshow.

The following slideshow will be my final orthographidrawings. The drawings is followed by title block.

Created with flickr slideshow.


Self discipline knowledge
Lifelong learning

Thinking & problem solving skills
I do appreciate this assignment because this is the first time I have the precious opportunity to know more about orthographic drawings. I found out that orthographic drawing is not as easy as I expected and it was really challenging for me. I did manage my time to finish the task so that everything can run smooth instead of stuck at this assignment only. I learned to solve problems like I draw a pencil sketch before I use Artline pen to draw my drawings. I also feel I can be more discipline for my studies after this project. I did appreciate much. 

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