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CNC project 1 - Back to our roots

To be honest, I am not an archi student and I take this subject because I think it will be very fun and I will learn a lot from this subject. Therefore, I was quite nervous that I couldn't catch up with the module. However, we have two lovely lecturers which is Ms Norma and Ms Ida who are willing to guide us patiently which is what I appreciated.

Back to the topic, this is the very first assignment of Culture and Civilization this subject. This project required us to paired up to complete the tasks. As shown as the tittle above, the project is about going back our roots - family history. We are required to make 2 info graphic boards, one is family timeline and of course including the family culture. Then, we also have to make an individual A5 booklet which is all about our family culture and a group video of our progress. For this project, I have selected Lim Pui San as my groupmates as she is my best friend in campus. After discussions, we have decided to focus on my family for the boards. We have to make a big family trees and interview family members to collect the data.

This is our boards' photo
*Will be uploaded soon*

This our group video

This is my individual A5 booklet's photo


communication skills

interpersonal skills
lifelong learning

As a conclusion, I have gained a lot from this assignment. I have improved my communication skills and interpersonal skills as I have to discuss with puisan about the style of the boards and also the video shooting. We have been thought very long time to design the boards. From this assignment, I have known more about my family and I realised that there are many stories that I didn't know at all. This project makes me know more about my family and I found interesting about it. I also learned a lot on info graphic as I have researched so much about that. I appreciate this project so much due I have backed to my roots and I discovered a lot !

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