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CNC project 2 - messages from the past

Yeah ! So this is the project that I was looking forward to ! This is because everything in this project is so new and fresh to me.

Firstly, we have to form a group of 10 then we will have to drawlots the country that we are going to do for this assignment. Our group members include, Puisan, Jiamin, Liming, Thien Hee, Jaden, Jitying, Cedric, Jerry, Yuxian and me. Some of them is first time being same group with me. Then, we were wishing to get China as our country but end up we got British. We were quite worry about that because we were not familiar with British history and culture. ( The first progress has shown out ><). However, we were trying so hard for this assignment to know more about British and we have chosen Elizabethan era as our performance's background. We have to make a 20 minutes performance of our chosen country's history and culture with handmade costume. We also have to set up a Padlet to show our progress. Last task is to make an individual A5 booklet about our character in the performance. 

This is our padlet website which has our progress for this project

These are some photos of our progress on costume and props.

Our group has arranged 4 different group such as script and slides group, costume group, props group and documentation group. I was in the costume group. Thus I am responsible to co-operate with my members who are yuxian and liming to produce the costume. Of course, every group members in our group will help each other when we need help. Although we have suffered quite long on the cloth material and colour but at last I still like the outcome. Efford paid off!

This is basically how our costume look like.

I was going to act as Mary of Scots in our performance. Mary of Scots was cousin of Queen Elizabeth I and her life was quite tough. I will come out for escape scene, murder letter writing scene and execution scene.

This is my paper doll.

This is the real costume

Masterpieces of our group ! Queen Elizabeth !!

Group photos with the Britain 

Some behind the scenes 

Reflection (sorry my template has some problem so I move my reflection abit forward to ensure it will not overlap the bottom stuffs)

communication skills
interpersonal skills
lifelong learning 

Basically, I love this assignment so much ! This is my favourite assignment in my foundation. I have learnt so much as I learn sewing from zero and also designing the costume. I also have known more about british history as we have watched two films of Elizabethan era which is suggested by lecturers. Then I also know more about their traditions. We have discussed so long about the acts and things that we want to perform as there are too much things to summarize in 20 minutes. Then, the most common problem in a group is communication problems. Undeniable, there were some minor miscommunications among our group but end up we have settled up and compromised together to achieve the same aim for our assignment. We all communicated well and improved interpersonal skills. Appreciate our team so much as everyone is so co-operative and hardworking. We share knowledge together, helping for make up and tie braid together, props making and rehearsal together. We share laughter and we work hard together. Really cherish that I learnt a lot.

So this is our performance

Here comes my individual booklet about Mary of Scots. I have spent much time on making this booklet. I think much on its font, design and also content.

Created with flickr slideshow.

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